Sunday, October 04, 2015

the surf down at terrible beach, it's flat as pancakes but i splash around at the crack of dawn. water bracing, yet after a few seconds it becomes real soothing and easy on my soul, neptune's embrace, feel those vibes. 
down in the town of terrible, the streets start filling up, early morning, bright and beautiful. the caffeine addicted, the power walkers, the bold and beautiful all swarming behaviour becomes predictable if you follow the patterns. i get my coffee, read the  papers, the australian is my paper of choice and in the last few months it has taken a turn for the worse, it's editorials are shifting, although the letters are still excellent. the media is conglomerating, soon it will become a high pitched squeal. i wander home for chores. pan lays in the sun, head rises up for acknowledgement. man and his dog sit down, i break open a packet of dog biscuits and we discuss a plan of action chewing on some horrid meaty bite. pan wants to laze around but i have responsibilities. mission control needs a clean up, laundry needs laundering and i throw myself into these mundane tasks before procrastination kicks in. 

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