Saturday, February 15, 2014

anti social media is the future, isolated sites, one person controls everything, no comments, no interaction, in fact the site should be restricted from view open only to those who can hack their way through. 
my thoughts on the internet, the internet makes information flow faster, but the information get's proportionally dumber, thus people think they are smart but are in actual fact brainwashed zombies.
i take a photograph, attribute a quality to it, send it out with some memetic intention and if it's controversial enough to be infectious the boundary between lies and truth relinquish meaning. i make a statement, put it in quotation marks against a photograph of some dead respected face, and people attribute the quote to the face without checking or verification. 
the mentality slides over into all media because the verification process is dormant, nothing is true everything is permitted. the assassin is the medium itself, a war machine committing soft terrorism, infiltrating, mythologising and cutting up information, pasting it together in some bastard truth, illegitimacy runs rampant, the kingdom is forsaken, the war on terror is the same thing as the war on error.
social media self promotion, mostly lies, mostly fear, selling stuff, creating itself, self perpetuating nonsense, a distraction from the self.

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