Sunday, October 13, 2013

so this has not made it into any mainstream media yet, it's why they want to control the internet, it's why everything you think you know is wrong, it's why any news is not really new. it's not a right wing conspiracy, neither is it left wing, it's just the way journalism is now as manufactured as the music industry. if you go to university and learn journalism you are indeed being dumbed down. in fact the one thing missing from all young journalists is the ability to critically think, a skill that classical education employed. 
when i read something i ask the questions:

1. is this news?
2. what agenda does the story have?
3. what agenda does the writer have?
4. what do the other side have to say?
5. what does my intuition inform me?
6. can i really make a definitive claim that i comprehend the issue enough to agree or disagree and do i need to further investigate?
7. follow the money
8. get perspective
9. filter fact from fiction, objective from subjective
10.look for connecting stories, links and parallel narratives that cross the one you're reading.

there, i really should teach journalism to the zombies who fall out the sausage factory.

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