Monday, October 07, 2013

glitches in mind, physics studies itself, does time flow or is that phycology, for the philosopher there is no distinction between boundaries, disciplines are for tiny minds. why do physicists embrace time as a dimension relative to space, when the present is the action that slices both. 
three events, past, present future. is now now, or is it anew, are these things fixed, the past locked in, the future not. does the mind cast itself forwards while looking backwards, is it just a matter of revealing, some cultures have different ways of perceiving time. 
the now updates to a flow, past behind, future ahead, unless your an aborigine who has a totally different spacial direction of the future. in png spacial gesturing is tied to a river, pointing to various positions. the source is one direction, the upstream a future, yet there is no culture that does not think the three are unique to one another. yet manifest time comes to the conclusion that there are many types of time, in exactly the same way the mayans have charted time according to 8 division sky place.

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