Sunday, August 11, 2013

i came across this on facebook, the comments below were stating how absurd this is, suggesting it is in fact a belief itself, that some individuals beliefs raise their consciousness therefore the statement makes no sense. however, the statement is a meta belief, it makes perfect sense because as crowley suggested for anything to be true it must contain its own contradiction. i like this statement above, most beliefs enslave us and keep us trapped in the belief, most beliefs are false, once we believe something we are almost less likely to believe the opposition of the belief which in practical terms locks us in to an inflexible attitude about everything we believe. consciousness has little to do with belief, it don't matter weather you believe it or not, if you are an advocate of raising consciousness you will know it can't be locked into political religious or moral terms, it is just what it is, a cosmic gnosis of self awareness, the universe knowing itself. as humans we can't begin to fathom what it knows about itself because our brains function on a limited capacity, however psychedelics, magick and mysticism access these dimensions we are normally excluded from, they give us insight and intuition. 
how we chose to believe is as important as what we believe and belief is an engine driving ourselves perhaps to a key unlocking imagination and that is the doorway in which we must pass to access what consciousness is, what we are, what we can be. don't believe in anything, belief is everything, believe in what sets you free.

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