Monday, July 22, 2013

all roads lead to rome, originally, right as diverse paths lead the people correctly to rome.
future tense, all roads lead to the dome.
present tense, all roads lead to home.

let's hope, today leads me home, for tonight i have to enter confrontational space, although i will apply elegant diplomacy, i will be ready to strike. i've always let things go, with a fatalistic perception but sometimes you gotta try that bit harder, kick against the pricks, challenge and stand your ground. i'm no doormat. sure i have been, i've been weak and fucking defeated but the lessons must be learnt, and sometimes i got to at least go down fighting.
it's the principle, why should some one take what's not theirs, all property is not theft unless you are a marxist, in which case you should own nothing. i'm not a marxist, i'm not letting go so easy. my tarot cards are part of me, i use them, the thoth deck has been with me since i was about 15 years old. the moon deck was designed by a talented occultist in the usa, a first edition of spectacular cards that i was beginning to understand, the voyger deck, well truth is i hadn't used them and therefore had no connection with them. then there's my books, i'm very attached to my books. yeah so what! 
my books are attached to my memories, i know what i was doing, who i was with, where i was and what i was feeling  through my books and since my memory was fucked up thanks to my brain damage i need my books. impossible for any one else to understand. 
so i'm not just throwing a tantrum over possessions, these things are important to me. i'm going to get them back or at least try.

reclaiming history
the patterns of time,
memory cathedral's
the architecture is mine
building towers to heaven
riding rivers to hell
the stolen monuments and milestones
the tolling of bells
announcing clash of the moment
the joker and thief
infinite time looping karma
certainty, in belief
some justice intervention
over interference patterns and lies
you gotta thank the stars above
for the deliverance of 
this glittering prize 

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