Saturday, May 11, 2013

t minus four and counting, electronic voice whispers, and i am reminded of gill scott heron as i slip into some sort of nitrus oxide gas induced vibe. some kind of lights flashing through the kaleidoscopic eye. i drift into the narcoleptic dreams of deep freeze cryogenics, in about 5000 years i'll be revived, billions of light years away but it will still be now.
can't escape that. 
earth was a nice dream, wonder what the news is, same old same old, the sun may have burnt out, the human population may have escaped into the stars, anythings possible in this strange old universe as long as they don't fucking meet me at the destination.
how much can a man take, all that war, greed, misery, i mean everyone has their limits right?
my thoughts flow, abstracting fast. the process kicks in, stasis sneaks up and lights begin to fade, my last thought is how lovely the scent of fresh mint is.

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