Sunday, November 04, 2012

i've been knee deep in some equations, not my strong point but i have help from a rusty old computational android who seem's to get some strange pleasure from being useful, so i feed it the numbers and wait for the crunch.
anyway's a few things don't add up, and i'm no expert on pure maths but hawking as i like to call him is, and he reckons that time is bendy.
well i know enough to say, yes that's just gravity doing it's thing, but it's slightly more than gravitational, it's happening in dark matter as well. 
anyways, max the gnostic says it's not about numbers, he reckons it's about the brain chemistry, and he hit me up with some fast food, a new kind of wonder drug, aka bliss bomb, which i have to say has a sexy ring to it whereas fast food is dull and mass consumption orientated. so i dropped the bomb, changed some neurology, and sure enough time did fluctuate. hawking watched me, as i explained the sensations, but he needed numbers, i gave him a stream, lots of primes and a few polygons but hawking insisted he run some modular tests, some thing to do with clocks, and went into stop watch nuclear mode.
anyway's my own mechanism was going all salvador on me, it was meltdown time, it was counting down time, it was zero time, then i made my own computational leap and figured out what was going down.
i'm not sure where the little satori came from but i nailed it, conceptually at least, it was hard to put into an integer but what i was suggesting was that individuals carry their own gravity, and therefore gravitational pull when individuals connect, depending on personal gravity's, influence is unique, thus time with certain people appears faster, slower than others. and slowly in the depths of my mathematical bliss i configured that i (individual) over t for time, x 2i (2nd individual) equals ng (new gravitational pull) or 2it (two individual time) therefore if 3 individuals meet 3 others that would be 3 to the power of 3ing. 
i ran that by hawking who said i was pretty clever for a dyslexic pile of flesh and blood. by the time the bomb wore off i'd forgotten the whole thing and hawking and max had to explain it to me and draw pictures. it was very confusing and made me sleepy. 

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