Saturday, October 13, 2012

transmigration from the temples of atlantis, mitochondrion highway, the energy bubbles, the dolphinarium, the vast aquatic chambers spiralling upwards piercing clouds, sound energy free and generous, the expansive polyp dwellings, the transparent tube transporters, the beautiful atlantan amphitheatre, the strange and sudden ending as factionalism occurred, and the memes came. ideology destroyed atlantis, when it came it came fast, the dominance over nature, the ego of the spiritual fascists, the black sun.
i wake up, covered in sweat, the window is open. it's been raining outside, i can smell traces of weather, a bird begins, dawn soon, better walk the dog and do my duties. 
the streets are empty, fresh, sun making its rise lighting up the trees and leaves with its exuberant light. no one's out and only one coffee shop is open, so i read the papers and order a coffee. 
around me time speeds up, in my mind it is slowed down, an hour passes, i'm reading the various opinions about the recent speech gillard made about misogyny, everyone is divided, it's polarised the whole country.
class war didn't work i guess so the labour party attempts the gender one. 
the other big 'joke' is this years nobel peace prize went to the european union, a bunch of unelected anti democratic globalists with a one world government agenda, what a disgrace.
i finish and head home.
to be honest there was a strange energy hanging around me, an unease, it stayed with me all day and despite several attempts to shake it off it remained. 
later in the afternoon i went to check the mail and there was one letter in the postbox, in a black envelope. my senses kicked in, intuition knew where this came from but would never be able to hazard a guess at it's contents. there were no markings on the envelope, no stamps, not even an address except for the handwritten name captain mission, which is not unusual in itself, most of my mail is addressed to me as captain mission but i've never received a black envelope. opening it was a disappointment, for it appeared empty. except for a single paperclip. 

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