Saturday, September 01, 2012

big full blue moon in pisces with the witches, sacred women business, we create white energy, generate some love, vibrate high frequency to the universe, it's a nice sound. these women are diverse and interesting, some one sings in a powerful voice, some one talks in soft silky tones, an older woman asserts her authority. the room is filled with books, candles and the hum from a crystal bowl, i'm cast back to my days in atlantis, we were eating fruit and talking with the dolphins, creating vast structures of pure quartz and moonstone, towering to heaven, transmitting to our brothers and sisters in space.
the witches and i look at the blue moon, it's so powerful, moving across the sky in a vertical line rapidly, through the parting clouds, tinged with a red rust colour, washing outwards, splendour and wonder in  the biggest canvass, the big picture, words seem to fail, the ideas fall away, why speak about power and control and war and life when all that is is and i am.
non attachement, that's what's missing from the witches, they have invested so much in the idea they are outside the square but they are not, it's all new age stuff, and like all new age stuff, as my friend ed said many years ago, 'take it downtown mogadishu, see if it works there, if it does, great i'll use it.'
i head home to power up my star gate universe.

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