Friday, September 07, 2012

and who am i to know anything, just a collection of neurones and star dust travelling through time and space, on a surfboard of consciousness speculating it's existence, being and doing, avoiding nothingness or the void. i don't believe existence is futile, i believe in human spirit and nature, i believe the mind can't fathom the unfathomable, but the intuition can provide us with a compass and sextant. captain mission, just an idea, a fabrication, constructed as a interface, he travels on his silver surfboards across time and space, making observations but also detached from them, they are after all just ideas, hardly worth clinging to, civilisation will not fall into the ocean if i let them go and if it does it does, it will rise and fall as it does, as it always has, in one form or another. in this form, the current one there is a lot to despise, there's a lot to love. 
given a choice i choose love today.
ha! was i really given a choice?
neuroscience currently says no, everything is determined before the choice is made.
but neuroscience itself is science and science is limited.
so choose love baby.

is it possible to love the bank?
well yes, they are poor deluded fools, operating in a construct they value more than any other, worshipping the dollar, profits not prophets, exploitation not exploration. they don't know any different, trapped in fear and power, these foolish people are limited by their vision. you can't hate them for that, although i struggle with it. i think i get the compassion now, it's been missing a while, forgive them they no not what they do... 
but they do, that's the problem, unless they have been hiding under a rock. can they help what they do, as banks get sued by their customers here in sydney, as the english banks are exposed for being frauds, arms dealers and money launderers, these institutions have reached the singularity baby, they know what they do!
love, no, not much, compassion, nope, i don't have much compassion for them, i mean they are not trying to survive, they are thriving and thieving, plundering. compassion is not going to change their behaviour, i'm all for instant karma on these fuckers, bring on the avenging angels, fire and brimstone.
so i guess love has it's limits, compassion has it's limits and so do i.

nature of course teaches us such plundering is out of whack, nature keeps the harmony between forces in check, there is a story to nature, a narrative, a force, or as the wonderful sages inform us a flow.
go with the flow.

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