Monday, August 06, 2012

it's true a certain peace has arrived, i'm so glad to have this moment, a contemplative stillness. 
brilliant blue skies and a warmth like spring flows through the day, even the ocean waves look perfect and inviting, if it was not for the current high shark sightings i'd be down there. but here i am, just contently sliding into obscurity, it's better this way.
i feel happy and relatively content, my son is travelling through turkey, i gave him the code word to become highly respected amongst the turkish people, it's something i learnt in west berlin, i lived in the turkish section, which now apparently is very trendy, and in the nefarious opium dens i met a few turkish people who confided the word to me. it's come in handy when i've used it, it's got me out of a few tight spots and it seems fitting to pass it on to my son.

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