Wednesday, August 29, 2012

in the wars between ideologies a development occurs, it's subtle enough to slip through the radar of most commentators, but for me it's quite a large death bell tome, it rings through the fragile cracks in the structures of this invisible kingdom, the veiled shroud of false reality, it's the one where the population of the whole planet has been hoodwinked because they have been caught up in the duality illusion of the political spectrum. the signs are there, in fact the enemies put it in plain sight, amongst all the other conspiracy theories, even now israel is the enemy, even now it's the four dancing israelis, not the slightest attention to the thousands of dancing islamo- fascists, no attention to the fact iran is a fucking religious dictatorship that has rejected all communication with the west in regards to it's nuclear capacity while at the same time repeating it's will, it's fundamental commitment to destroy israel and bring around the islamic apocalypse. these crazy nut jobs are just as mad as the extreme christian element who want armageddon and the so called american jewish settlers who inhabit land they should not, all share the same fantasy, as does the new age lunatics who talk about ascension after some cataclysmic event, although this is highly likely to be man made than natural. don't confuse me with the new age buddy, i'm old age, all down the line.
anyway's while this drama is played out amongst facebook and you tube the real enemy, the industrialists, the war machine and the banking industry have pulled the wool right over your eyes, they have used the number one weapon, the eternal one that embodies evil, it's the one weapon that works because of a glitch in our own ability to critically analysis evidence. they take the one thing that evolutionary biology has given all creatures and turned it against ourselves in a very clever but sinister way. fear is the weapon. the seeds were sown after the fall of communism, the club of rome, the united nations, they all play a part in the deconstruction of human freedom but they have taken an interesting approach, distracting us with clusterfucks at a local and non local level, then bringing a uniting fear, the environment.
the battle ground is earth, as nations are destroyed, identity diminished, they start from a global point, the ice is melting and at a local one as well, as councils become more controlling, more rules more regulations, laws passed that actually squash freedom for a greater good, the environment, it's the environment dummy!
meanwhile the environment is still plundered, super tankers that cannot discriminate between fish and dolphin kill indiscriminately in australian waters for europian appetites, what happened to all the europian fish man, oh they are all depleted, oh, well lets use australian waters, fuck, fuck fuck! 
this applies to all rain forests and wilderness areas, they are still being decimated, predominately for green products, especially corn and soy beans. genetic engineering creeps in, the mix is now convoluted you think, being a rational, global, well intentioned individual, it's all good, i do my bit, but your bit through the complex web of inter relationships within globalisation is actually equating to rape and pillaging although of course it was never your intention. 
so while all this shit is going down the one thing that these evil fools want to fundamentally change is the financial system of the planet.
why, let me tell you. because the idiots who run our governments have spent more money than they have, everywhere. they are so far in debt they will never get out and so as a solution they decided, being all wise and wonderfully benevolent to print more money without the means to support it. in the old days they actually had the gold bullion deposited in vaults and a pound equaled a pound of gold, cash was symbolic. now the world is flooded with money and products but they are worthless as the bank vaults are empty. so the solution is to change the banking system, get rid of money while tightening the control of people everywhere. how, through the worlds energy grid.
australia just joined europe in carbon trading commerce, this is the next phase of the green movement and their moronic followers, who think they are acting out of benevolence to nature and the environment. all they are doing is enslaving us all, because energy credits will become the new currency for everything and who controls it, the same people that control money. the greens have dug australias grave, maybe out of some weird misplaced ideology but it's very sad day really, and twenty years from now all energy will be monitored and controlled in far more scrutiny than cash ever was, all your movements will be known, every single thing you do, attached to the energy grid, every where your electric car goes, it's all known to the same people that ruined money, idiots who crave power, and the greens just hand it over. dummies!

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