Sunday, June 10, 2012

a woman from ancient japan offers me some white light, i sit down as she chants her incantations, i close my eyes and immediately i am standing on an island, it's a beautiful day and there's a warm breeze against my skin, i can feel it upon my face. when i come around half an hour has passed, it's raining heavily, i am cold and slightly miserable.
i thank her and head back to mission control, loaded down with eggs, rhubarb, leeks and some raw cocoa. i'm uncertain why i have these products, i know i will use them in the next week.
dr crack is driving me home, i'm not sure if i want to confront him about his orloff game, this little puppet master thinks he can pull all my strings but he can't, he is bemused by me, i don't fit into his map, it's undiscovered territory and he's frightened, just like he's frightened of the jaguars in the amazon.
crack is talking about global conspiracy, he's been reading icke and it's infected him, he's running it all by me, at least he's honest enough to ask me am i a lizard, to which i mention i forgot to pick up a bag of flies, i also fleetingly think i am the lizard king but i keep my cards close to my chest.
'what if there were no lizard conspiracy, what would it be, giraffe cabals, fucking dolphin cults, or how about octopi gangs, you fear the unknown, you gotta give it a name, it's apophenia, a coiled piece of rope looks like a serpent, is it?'
'what's apophenia?'
'it's finding meaning in something where other's don't.'
'is that what icke does?'
'yeah, half the planet does it, he just makes a fortune from it.'
crack clams up, he talks a little bit about the weather and then murmurs something about cooking, then when we pull up outside mission control i jump out.
i run through the rain, it's very cold, a wild wind blows into my face and i run up my steps clutching my vegetables. i crash through and my phone starts going mental.
'what do you make of the illuminati?'
'a bunch of post scientist mystics who bear you or their fellow man no ill will.'
'not satanists then?'
'no, not at all, in fact they are luciferian.'
'how do you know.'
'i hang up'

1 comment:

EagleXplain said...

Epic, captain. I love your narrative. That's the way messages should be put across, my friend. I can't imagine my Freemason buddies hurting a fly, much less the older geezers who run them. Just this week I got a mass email message about top Masons resigning their posts on ideological grounds.
It seems to be slow, but it can't go any faster, yet.