Sunday, May 20, 2012

sometimes you gotta cut your losses, know when enough is enough and when to let it go, i'm getting very good at this although it hurts really hard each time as all those bits of me are lost, and i find myself getting angry, however non attachment, right?
anyways, onwards we go, into the future which is the past only different. the merry go round of times spiral, impossible to escape, ask any heroine, ask the myth makers and poets. 
okay, i picked a battle with a bureaucracy, my own fault, they are an archaic machine, sluggish and ridiculous emphasised by the fact they all know it but are trapped within the machine they depend upon. the line of management ended when he said,'look at it from our point of view, we want you to just go away so we can just carry on as normal.'
'but it's not normal to work like this, your part of the government sucking the life of the citizens it's theoretically supposed to work for.'
'we know this which is why we want you to go away.'
'is there a complaints procedure?'
what can you say to this kind of logic?
anyways being a good citizen i wrote to the ombudsman, not because it will change anything but it makes me feel slightly empowered.

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