Monday, May 21, 2012

i wake up, it seems like just yesterday but it was a long time ago, nothing changed except everything has changed. the skies are electric blue, the birds dart around hidden by their colours and markings, yet you can see their shadows, they make sounds that cover the world in a blanket.
i've been asleep, dreaming, i had some terrible dreams, nightmares, i dreamt my son had been murdered, i woke up and wandered around, wondered if i should call him up and eventually fell asleep only to dream my dog had died. after that i stayed awake, went for a walk at 5am, we walked down to the beach, grabbed a coffee and read the newspapers, but then i seemed okay. returned to mission control where i fired up my alethiometer, took a reading, it gave me some information.
but the business of the day unfortunately is this dear reader, and it is a sad day when i have to write such words.
something has gone terribly wrong, our governments no longer serve us, the people. in the western worlds we have not had an uprising, assassination or revolution for a long time and although i don't subscribe to these things, there is one obvious advantage. they let the powers that govern us know they are are our servants, not the cash crop that we have become.
the relationship is vampric, they suck us dry charging us for whatever they can squeeze from out blood, for what, where does that money go, into funding ridiculous inefficent schemes, wars and bureaucracy, it's one huge rort at the publics expense and it's time to let the governments of the world know about it. we are not sheep, or are we, we are not all brain dead zombies, we are not your cattle for you to milk or slaughter. the only way now for things to turn around towards some decent government, left or right, green or blue, is to let these fuckers know they represent us and are there to submit to our will. it's not the other way around.
vote for me.
i'm going to do three things
legalise ganja, put a huge tax on cigarettes and alcohol. 
turn australia into a self sufficient nation.
keep it real. that is nature wins every time, what ever we do must be in harmony with nature.
simple isn't it?

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