Friday, April 27, 2012

snuff music by the deep fix part seven

'occult diary part one' opens an investigation, my own personal one. i was somewhat innocent in the sense i didn't know where it would lead me or what lay ahead. they say any investigation into the mysteries should be recorded in a magickal diary. i guess this was my magickal diary opening and my intention.
'invocation' is in actual fact a banishing ritual, it's also known as the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram and basically clears space from positive or negative energies but it also focuses the mind in a meditative state and positions you at the centre of the magickal universe, in shamanism this is known as centring. the other aspect to the banishing ritual is it identifies the inspirational energy you require blending the self with the archetype you wish to invoke. there are hundreds of variations one can chose from and the words are really just sounds, it is the intention behind them that is important and the vibration one uses to make them, the sound has the power. i wanted the angels to have their own sounds, so after the name of each angel a different sound is heard, we wanted to create an atmosphere that was completely different to the rest of the music, one that commands listening and concentration and a little air of genuine respect.
'manifestation' basically is the work and dedication necessary to attain the mysterious 'communication or conversation with guardian angel' better known as augoeides (peter carroll says this is quantum uncertainty) and is traditionally a process of devotion. we threw in the effects of a presence or intelligence manifesting which was the energetic quality of lucifer, venus, the goddess, and the spirit of illumination, val adopts this very well in his line, 'show me this world' at the beginning of the next track but for the ending of this song val created the most frightening vocal line i have heard, he says he actually went a little crazy and describes it as possessed but whatever it was it was horrible, and i took it out from the mix. i was in another room while val did the line and it sounded like he had gone crazy, the old sound basement studio was attached to a mortuary so we did have some very strange experiences while recording some of the songs. i am convinced i saw a ghost and there are things in the mix that neither of us recorded. we left them in as the subliminal quality we wanted originally, maybe it was just some audio type resonance where two sounds create a third, i don't know but we left them in. val's vocal was far to disturbing to leave in, although he probably would have enjoyed that.
'straight outta hell' is possibly the obvious single or radio friendly song, it's got a chorus and its fun to do live. 
'lucifers tears' started as an electro song with lots of synth and a kraftwork type feel but ended being quite organic once we added louis on saxophone and clarinet, he gives it that beautiful flight that lifts you off the ground on the outro, i would have liked it to go on forever.
'snuff music' well the lyric and energy sums it up, any intelligence would look at the way humans behave and contemplate our species being like a cancer upon the planet. i think whatever critical mass we need to reach for things to change we had slipped way past it on all levels, and i felt that solutions now needed to be cosmic because lets face it, we are pretty self destructive as a species, and here's where i discovered the mayan calendar and the idea of evolutionary consciousness. 
'8 division sky place' well i guess i'm heralding a new way of looking at life, although it's actually not new, these traditions had known about them for ever, but civilisation came along all superior and obliterated the savage. while i am obviously not opposed to civilisation, what i do feel is we are far removed from our esoteric roots, where indigenous cultures still have this relationship and are close to the source. i guess the song here is about readjustment to a cosmic principle and a letting go of investment in false constructs but most of all letting go of fear, and how fear paralysis us whereas love liberates.
'occult diary part two' closes the investigation, and obviously changes the energy and dynamic of the investigator.
'my mantra' half made up on the spot, is basically a celebration of love, self love, for through self love  we can liberate ourselves from all the energies that hold us entrapped in negative emotions, fear hate etc, and the great mantra 'om siri rama jaya' translates as 'victory for the self within' which is the essence of my own personal philosophy for here lies the singularity that is love. i guess this is about changing yourself before trying to change others, dealing with your own selfish desires will change other peoples more effectively than trying to change some one else's, i may be wrong but it felt right at the time.
anyway's the whole process was one energy wave, a current i was riding, it came through and to me, it was not me, for i am just a normal guy trying to get by, i am not enlightened any more than anyone else, i'm still a fucking idiot, a fool, a clown who can't pay his rent, writes stupid things, fails at relationships and friendships, i still have to chop the wood and carry water but for some reason i just found myself tapping into this wave and here is where it took me. every individual will find their own wave and it may be very different from the one i took, and there will be other waves, and each wave is just part of a cosmic ocean that makes up the universe and the universe is just one within a multiverse, and the best thing to do, seeing as though we exist in such magnificent and glorious infinite oceans of possibility is unconditionally love life and use your imagination to create art and devote it to the universe, because what the hell is the point to anything else.

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