Sunday, March 18, 2012

food that we eat these days have 3 times less nutrition than they did in ye olde days, even fresh foods as they are grown on farms that do not let the trees root systems reach deep down and never let the tree grow high as it should.
the food industry is rife with short cuts, which is why organics is the only way to eat.
10% of us come from our parents dna, the rest is just a collection of bacteria and parasites living in our guts. if we have the right bacteria we can digest well and be slim, if not we are fat. it don't matter what we do.
if i was pm the first thing i would do is make sure people had access to the right food, all processed foods would be banned. everyone would be educated on how to look after their diets, and encouraged to do so, for food is medicine. every sick person would see a nutritionalist before a dr. 
it's disgusting that people have not got nutrition in this day and age.
the next thing that would go would be the drug companies, fuck them and their evil industry. from now on medication would come from nature and i'd start with legalising marijuana. 

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