Saturday, October 08, 2011

let me make it as simple as i can for you old friend.
in the ultimate scheme of things you and i are both ridiculous. we try to use our intellect to define the nature of reality or our drama's with our minds. it can only be done metaphorically.
what's your reality?
maybe its buying things, being angry, resentful at all things you can't control, not really taking responsibility for your actions and generally repelling anything authentic that does not serve your demons need. you blame everyone else, you fabricate and extinguish truth with toxins and remain a slave while i only seek truth, liberation and have no fear left inside. 
i am blessed to have my friends, i have a beautiful son who is healthy and loves me as much as i him, i have pan and the other animals in my life that love me, all your beasts love me, even your cat. your baby loves me, and i know the universe herself loves me, there's nothing more precious in my life than all this love because that is the love i have for my self and no matter what you do or say, you can't harm me. try as you may.

you use your diagnostic tools and manuals, i use my grimorie. 

at the end of the day we are both just specks of dust in the tasty cosmic soup of love. your neurotic impulses and complex defence mechanisms are nothing but energies that stop you from being free.
what other purpose do they serve you? 
survival, protection, immunity from mosquito bites?
look back into your history and answer the question.
what can you really change?
the only thing is your self and here's the paradox, there is no self so there is no change. so all your power is illusion.
i am not your enemy. i'm the guy that actually wants you to have a good functional life and be part of the wonderful beauty that we both have no choice but to ultimately submit to, the beauty of the universe. how can you fight its magnificent intelligence, it's the most beautiful being ever and once you stop fighting it, once you abandon your ego's cage, you will dissolve into nothing and everything, it's love old friend, it's only love that actually matters and that is all i have for you. you can have it all, for the cup runneth fulleth and infinite. you and i through all your manipulation and lies, through all the deceit that you wear, do you think it matters in the great unravelling?
are you that important?
can you stop the tide?
extinguish the sun?
all we can do is let it wash over us and wonder at it's beauty.
there is no 'i', there is no 'you' there is only love my old friend. 
i know you are hurt and scared and frightened. 
i've been there to. i've broken down and cried my eyes out, been a wreck and wretch, i clung on to my breath and filled with fear as it devoured me, i hit the ground at six million miles and hour and i knelt down and sobbed myself dry at my own disgust and self loathing and mistakes. the hurt i caused others was the hurt i caused myself, i trembled and shook, threw up and i gave in, it's easy after a while, it's recommended actually. it's just letting go baby, letting it all go, accepting ones humility is the most transformative process ever. you need to pay attention in rehab instead of being glamoured by it's mythology.
i went first and now i am here, and i want you to join me, free from the maya, free from the very idea of yourself, free from the idea of me, and free from all the foolish trinkets you value and let go the entity that has hijacked your life and keeps you in chains. surrender to the universe, we love you so much.
it's the only thing thats real. look into that baby's eye's, listen to it's heart beating. there is no drama. there is no fear, there is only a soul and love.

the global shift has started miss, i've exposed the thing that lives inside you but it is not you. you are beautiful and magnificent and you are my friend, and for me to free it you must let go and trust the process and you have to know in your heart the game is over now, it's time to, surrender, not to me for i am nothing but to that wave, for it will pass and we will be part of it.

a few days ago i bought you an apple, i told you to eat it. you said, 'is it poison?'
i said, 'no, it's a symbol.'
you struggled, the demon inside you resisted, a nibble here a nibble there, it was a great apple, organic and the best from a large pile i trawled through down in the big shop. 
eventually you ate a track around the circumference. very reluctantly you ate a little more, i could feel the fear from within because we were attacking on a playing field the elemental incubates and that vile thing that inhabits you was petrified.

the serpent gives eve the apple to liberate her from unknowing, no consciousness, no insight could come from anything with no ability to self reflect and process information independently of the vast ocean of information. forget  christian symbolic representation for the serpent goes back much further and forwards in time. the serpent or snake is shamanistic. it represents the dna strands that are our very genetic code. 
as i have written about for years in my blog, we have the ability to unravel our dna and reprogram it, self directed healing, self directed evolution. look forwards not back.
the first step is surrender, the next is healing.
our experience has been a harsh teacher, life is suffering, we are all equal in this, we spend half our lives sucking the marrow from it and then the other half healing from the fact we sucked to hard. you and i are just travellers on a path, we have done this dance often, i remember you were always part of me, there's no escape from that. 
so be my friend again. take my hand in good faith, be brave and put all your defence mechanisms down and let's get you healed before it's to late. 
i have many people that need me, and i know my limits and old friend, time is running out.


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