Sunday, August 28, 2011

a little spring clean, a little bit of a solar recharge, i end my day with gravy sitting by a lake in nature and my mind still.
gravy by coincidence is talking with great relevance so i actually listen as he reminds me i am a time lord, as is he. i already know this, i reached that conclusion yesterday evening while watching the octopi documentary. it had been bubbling away under the surface but was clear as daylight, last night now confirmed or maybe just a big joke, it's all perception. i thank gravey for reminding me as the information is sinking in on a very deep level, yeah i'm a fucked up strange autistic esoteric version of dr. 'fucking' who, working for the universe baby. got my inner tardis mojo, but you have to listen to my message earth dwellers, you gotta stop living in duality and thinking like amoeba all you folk in the middle east, all you religious folk, all you political activists and businessman, just recognise yourself in the other and stop fighting one another, your fighting over an idea or land. quite literally fighting over it and not actually understanding it. the earth belongs to know one. it has no owner. you have no enemy really, the man you wish to kill, he's  a part of you. you are nothing but a cell in one huge intelligence, you have been given free will because the intelligence loves you enough to let you have a choice, and what do you do?
the lesson of history is that we don't learn the lesson from history.
now is the time to stop and be still, drink the vine and understand because the truth will set you free.

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