Monday, November 15, 2010

sell your house, sell you car, sell your ideas, sell your body, sell your history, sell your present, sell your future, sell your image, sell your mind, sell your wife, sell your kids, sell your friends, sell your possessions, sell your confessions, sell your lust, sell your sex, sell your love, sell your blood, sell your tears, sell your story, sell your self, sell your soul, sell your mother, sell your lunch, sell your dreams, sell your liver, sell your lungs, sell the other organs, sell your father, sell your whole family and the people next door, sell the third world, sell the first and second, sell your planet and sell your stars, sell everything you can think off and then what are you gonna do with the cash?

1 comment:

Pipsqeek said...

Buy it all back at triple the price.

Hello! Australian Government.