Sunday, August 29, 2010

the police have intercepted me as i drive at 120 down an 80 speed zone, i have lost my license for 3 months with no chance of redemption. so i am faced with the opportunity to take three months of from work and fucking have some fun, there's a whole bunch of things i can do in this time, so maybe this is a blessing. fucking police bastards i hate em, out there with their high tech surveillance devices sitting in their cars hidden in bushes while the fucking real crims are raping and murdering folks, but they don't collect the cash from criminals do they, just from us, the poor suckers who fund them through tax now are fined for a little speed crime, jesus christ this is what it has come down to.


Pipsqeek said...

it's all about greed. Nothing to do with our safety.

captain mission said...

yes i agree. criminals don't raise revenue for the state debt. taxpayers do, it's institutionalised crime. i take responsibility, i was speeding but these police people hide in the bushes, they sit in darkness, lights out and nail you when your driving by, they should at least have their lights on lest it just be entrapment. i can hide outside a police station and if i see a police man throw litter can i fine him?
this is where society is failing. records indicate that fining people does not stop road fatalities, better roads do.