Monday, July 05, 2010

i was reading a book, written by a dead man, it was called the invisible pyramid, i read it like poetry, each word perfection, a gift from the past yet it was present and spoke about the future. he said man would not be a man if his dreams did not exceed his grasp, he said he that if man fails now, which was then, he will never again have the resources to defend the sunflower forest.
i am captain mission, defender of the sunflower forest.
who are you?
yes you!
you who have returned from the dark side of the moon, as i have returned from the heart of the sun. we have been on our orbits and now a decade later we pass again, all celestials have this attraction, newton named it gravity, heisenberg calls it quantum, mission calls it the same thing that all mystics call it, the sacred word that powers the universe, the force behind the illusion of duality, the one we fear, the one that brings us to our knees with realization, blinding light. the one that makes you cry when you are alone. even i am humbled by it. you know what it is.

i am captain mission defender of the sunflower forest.

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