Friday, May 08, 2009

Amazing Plants - The best bloopers are a click away

wandering around the botanical gardens today, i'm amazed, this is my favorite part of the city, in 21 years i have never been there. it's the most perfect place, with signs saying you can walk on the grass, you can interact with the animals, you can enjoy the beauty and nature. i wandered for hours, just like i was back in eden cavorting with the wildlife, friendly birds, hanging bats, a bright electric train whizzing along the path carring snapping tourists and the old, there were people lounging on the grass reading books in the sun, lovers hold hands and joggers race around in their strange uniform plugged into invisible music. it's nirvarna.
i'm walking passed some tall lillies that carry a tall purple flower, they tower above my head just like lucy in the sky is alive and well. the opera house majestically awaits around the corner some what like a half bloomed flower itself.

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