Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the usual diatribe of anti jewish anti israel propaganda surfaces once again, islamic apologists spring up everywhere with their distorted truths and lies and blind hate. it's very sad but not surprising, people can tolerate an ideology that categorically is sworn to the sword. that is: is driven to total conversion or dhimmi. watching Armadinajad at durban 2 i wondered why the UN even bothered with the event. mostly arab countries attended a conference on racism and use it to attack one country and one race. all this hosted by the un.
most smart countries didn't attend after the events of the first conference but the europeans went along and ended up walking out half way through. it's unusual because usually the european countries will support the arab ones but i guess limits were crossed and it would have been to obvious to stay. so in a conference discussing racism a racist holds court. these are interesting times.
i've been reading 'a never ending war' by micheal cappi, it's filled with clear and concise information about what is going on and its frighteningly obvious but the amount of misinformation out there obscures the facts and the hatred people have for jews far outweighs the ability to think rationally and clearly. here's an interview with its author. now i don't necessarily think religion is the answer to anything really nor do i see all of western civilization as an answer but it's better than oppressive ones and it's a step towards the right direction just needs tweaking but i do think one should not use double standards when measuring the threat of one over the other.

FP: Michael Cappi, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Cappi: Thank you it’s a privilege and pleasure to be here.

FP: What inspired you to write this book?

Cappi: After 9/11, the prevalent “political” response from U.S. politicians (the President in particular) was that a small group of Muslim fanatics hijacked Islam; a religion that is claimed to be one of peace and it was this minority that was responsible for the terrorist attack. Being little informed on the subject I accepted that premise. But even then it didn’t seem to ring true in light of the amazingly jubilant and celebratory Islamic response to the carnage and destruction of 9/11. The response was not by a few “fanatics” but by an enormous number of Muslims all around the world. The joy at such horror just seemed to be at odds with the assertion that Islam is a religion of peace.

Over the next few years the impression of Islam being fundamentally peaceful just continued not to match the events of the day and the pronouncements of Islamic leaders. Out of curiosity I began to research the religion and history of Islam. From those investigations I saw emerging a very different picture of the nature of Islam and its history. As I continued my research a problem for me was that there was no one book that covered the history of Islam, the Islamic belief system, Islam’s emergence as a threat to world peace and Islam’s desire to insinuate its culture as the dominant force in the world order. The information existed but across a large number of works. I decided to attempt to write a book that would cover the scope of the problem.

FP: Tell us what you witnessed on 9/11 and how it changed you.

Cappi: I was seven blocks away from the WTC on that horrific day. I missed the first plane’s crash into the building but I witnessed the second. The sound was like nothing you can imagine. A ball of fire and then I think my mind blanked for there was no further sound for a couple of minutes. I was transfixed as was anyone in the area not in immediate danger. After some time people began to jump from the buildings. It was truly a nightmare. The collapse of the first building shook the ground like a major earthquake. The feeling and sound seemed to come form deep in the ground. The chaos that followed was unimaginable. The one exception was the heroic efforts by fire and police personnel to rescue people and bring order.

FP: So what is your understanding of Islam? And who and what is exactly our enemy in this terror war?

Cappi: If anyone takes the time to read the Qur’an the answer to your question is simple and very obvious. For accuracy purposes I read three versions. They all agree in principle. The Qur’an is nothing like the Bible or New Testament. In no way and certainly not in substance or intent is it similar. By the way any belief system can be perverted to nefarious ends but if the system itself is fundamentally benign or moral any perversion of its philosophical premises can be righted. However, when the belief system itself is corrupt or evil no good can come from it. The Qur’an is just such a belief system: it is a “blueprint for war” and for the subjugation of the non-believer. To the extent it deals with any aspect of morality it is similar to the Judeo-Christian ethic but only if this ethic is not in conflict with the goals of Islam’s spread and world conquest.

The Qur’an is filled with endless directives compelling Muslims to convert, conquer or kill non-believers and to conquer the non-Islamic world. Further Islam dictates that the Qur’an must be accepted and followed literally. Apostasy is heresy and punishable by death. It is this belief system that throughout history has caused Muslims to endlessly embark on conquest. In 1400 years of history the only time the West has been at “peace” with Islam was from the end of the Ottoman Empire early in the 20th Century through the end of World War ll. The reason for Islam’s dormancy during this brief period was the overwhelming superiority of the West technologically and economically along with the impoverished and largely uneducated Islamic world. The difference made it impossible for Islam to confront the West in any way. The vast quantity of money flowing into the Middle East from the sale of oil after WWII has allowed Islam to buy what it needs to once again begin its quest. The modern jihad was born.

The oil money has funded the terrorists, the construction of endless mosques and madrassas- Islamic religious schools - throughout the West. Both school and mosque almost all preach the most extreme form of Islam – Wahhabism. Our “friends” the Saudis fund most of these activities.

Perhaps that was a long-winded way of saying that Islam itself is the enemy, not a number of terrorist groups. Terrorism is one of Islam’s tools but it is the religion of Islam that is at war with us. One might ask how can a religion be at war with countries? The brief answer lies in the fact that there is no separation of church and state in Islam. The law of Islam is Shari’ and it is derived from the Qur’an and Haddiths. Every Muslim country in the world is governed by Shari’a. (Turkey is an exception but even it does not violate Shari’a and in fact is suffering an internal struggle to adopt overthrow its secular laws in favor of Shari’a.)

The central theme found throughout the Qur’an and embodied in Shari’a is a concept of a very definite world order. There can exist, according to Islam only two states in the world: dar al Islam - the realm of Islam and dar al harb - the realm of war. If you are not part of Islam you are at war with Islam. The war can take any form, be it terrorism, subversion or economics.

Through Shari’a the religion of Islam and the state of Islam are one. For a Muslim there is no conflict in this regard. The absolute essential theme of every action of every Islamic nation and practicing Muslim is the establishment of Shari’a in every country in the world just as Mohammed commanded through the Qur’an. This has been a driving force for 1400 years.

We just don’t understand it or want to believe it.

Having said we are at war with Islam leaves a Western mind very unsettled. The statement smacks of bigotry or Islamophobia or intolerance at the least. And it is exactly this that is one of Islam’s best weapons against the Western cultures. We cannot deal with the thought of a religion as a mechanism for conquest, we cannot deal with the thought that there are citizens within the West that would, if they could, overthrow our way of life and institute a 7th Century mind set and form of government – remember the Taliban that is the ultimate Islamic goal on a worldwide scale. Because we cannot accept these things intellectually we only win some battles against terrorists but we are losing the broader war.

The premise of being at war with a religion flies in the face of everything we as a tolerant people have been taught and believe in our hearts. Although the premise is sad, the reality is what it is. The facts are what they are regardless of how unpleasant they may be. The challenge to the West is to be able to fight this war while protecting the individual Muslim that is not part of the insane literalism of Islam. And there are many frightened Muslims not part of this endless war. They are afraid to step forth for the consequences are often death. Even in Western countries killings of apostates is not uncommon.

FP: How has the West aided Islam’s expansion?

Cappi: The single biggest thing that we do to aid Islam’s expansion is to avoid the reality of the danger. I call it the “ostrich syndrome”. I think readers will understand the imagery of that term clearly enough. We refuse to name or even see the problem.

Horrific event after event throughout Europe and the Middle East and even America should be screaming out about the danger we face as a culture. Yet we seem to ignore it or think it is nothing more than exaggerated claims and ranting by bigoted people or lunatic right-wingers, etc. Of course none of this changes the ever-increasing obviousness of the problem and threat to Western culture.

In Europe there has been more than 20 years of nearly open immigration emanating from countries whose cultures are as different from Western values as one can find. In small numbers this would not be a problem but in the numbers of immigrants that have inundated Europe it has become a disaster. Just now the Europeans are waking to the precarious nature of the problem they have created for themselves.

Even in the face of endless atrocities executed by terrorists in the name of Islam and the endless crimes against individuals, e.g., women, homosexuals and infidels the West refuses to examine the root cause of the problem. We offer endless excuses for actions and behavior that when measured by any rational/moral standard would be deemed evil. Yet we seemingly cannot name the cause.

Another aspect of our suicidal tendency with respect to Islam is the never-ending peace process. We have had 40 years of peace talks in the Middle East. One would think that after all that talking about peace the M.E. would be the most peaceful place on earth. How can you hold talks with a people who do not recognize your right to exist? This point is quite literal in the context of Israel and implicit in the context of the West vies-a-vie the Islamic jihad, Islamic actions and Qur’anic dictates and pronouncements. We want to believe every positive word of nonsense the Islamic terror countries and groups espouse. We grasp for any straw that will save us from facing the truth of the problem. It is all so reminiscent of Europe and Hitler in the 30s. The same psychological model seems to be operative - the “ostrich syndrome.” However the lion always has his meal.

FP: Why is the West so naïve about Islam and also the dangers we face?

Cappi: I think there are two major reasons. The first is a continuation of the previous statement I made, i.e., we are not so naive but perhaps more fearful of action. If one recognizes a problem then logic would dictate that one must work to solve the problem. We implicitly act on the premise that action is not desirable, it is difficult, it may be unpleasant so better to obfuscate the issue and perhaps it will go away or someone else will deal with it. It is much easier to believe what our leaders say: Islam is a religion of peace.

For the truly naïve there are the rationalizations galore to allow them to ignore the nature of the problem. The enemy are only a small group of fanatics, there is no need for examining a problem that is really of Bush’s doing, give them a Palestine and all will be well, etc, etc. Of course none of this has worked nor can it work. In 1400 years no country bordering an Islamic state has been able to live in peace with the Islamic state. It is always the same: Islamic infiltration, subversion, conquest or conversion of the non-Islamic population to Islam or submission on their part. By the way Islam in Arabic means submission it does not mean peace.

The second reason for our feigned naiveté or ignorance to the Islamic threat and one that helps to enforce the above “fear of action” is a cancer that is eating away at Western culture. Multiculturalism and political correctness have essentially disarmed our society. These two sides of the same coin have made it nearly unacceptable to be critical of a culture or the practices of a culture. The doctrine holds that all minority cultures must enjoy equal status with the majority, and that any attempt to impose the majority culture over those of minorities is by definition racist. But what if the culture in question is fundamentally inimical to the mainstream culture? What if its implicit intent is to undermine and destroy the indigenous culture? What if the challenging culture “demands” accommodations never before granted to any other group within the country? There is only avoidance or obfuscation in response to these points.

The majority of politicians, diplomats, universities and the media all espouse that all cultures are equal and of equal merit. Of course these sources very rarely have as their objective the support of Islamic expansion, nonetheless that is exactly the result of their policies and philosophy.

All of the beliefs and activities of these groups are governed by their near religious acceptance of multiculturalism and its watchdog political correctness. These two constructs bear the greatest responsibility for the on going sacrifice of the best interests of America specifically, and Western culture broadly, to Islamic expansion and concessions to Islamic populations. And when a dissenter raises a voice of objection the political correctness machinery goes into high gear discrediting and smearing the objector. It is easier to do that then answer the issues he raises.

It is impossible to fight a battle that you cannot name. And that is one of Islam’s greatest weapons in its inexorable movement into western culture and countries.

FP: What role have the media and the political Left been playing?

Cappi: On the philosophical plane the universities have preached multiculturalism and political correctness for several decades. During this period the “dogma” has reached the point of dominance in academia. It is rare to find a university that “allows” dissension from this orthodoxy without the dissenter being labeled many unpleasant names and being booed and discredited BEFORE even making his objections. Look at the reaction to the “Islamo-fascism Awareness Week” on campuses. Protests, name-calling, disrupting speakers all while in the same timeframe Ahmadinejad is given a comparatively polite welcome to speak at Columbia University.

It is true that the President of Columbia denounced Ahmadinejad but still Ahmadinejad’s speech did not garner the same level of noise and protests that the aforementioned speakers received. (As an aside can you imagine inviting Hitler to speak at an American University after hostilities existed between our countries? Not an exaggeration. Since the hostage crisis of1979 Iran has continually acted to counter any role for the U.S. in the Middle East peace process and has diligently worked to undermine the U.S. through support and funding for al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah in Lebanon before, during and after the Israeli war with Lebanon. Keep in mind that it was Iran that unleashed Hezbollah against Israel in the first place in the 2006 war. Furthermore Iran has been proven to be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of U.S. service men in Iraq while being the primary instigator of the “insurgency” in Iraq. And we invite Iran’s President to speak at an American University? What can I say? To my mind it is as close to treason as you can get without being a traitor.

Sorry for the digression. Back to the point I wanted to make.

I called the academic belief system of multiculturalism and PC an “orthodoxy” because that is exactly how it operates, i.e., at a near religious fervor. Adherents are part of the fold and dissenters are denounced. After years of this philosophy permeating our universities they have graduated large numbers of “true believers” into the field of journalism. The majority of these so-called journalists are more interested in their agenda and presenting news through that lens or selecting stories that support their position. The mainstream media is unabashedly left wing or if you prefer “liberal” and antagonistic to any ideas or actions that are contrary to their belief system. In this context America is always wrong and the enemy is granted endless excuses and rationalizations for its actions. We seem to never be able to do right.

In today’s politically correct world it is heresy to say what I am about to say. Western culture is the greatest culture that has ever existed. It is superior to every other culture and especially to Islamic culture. The West in general, and the U.S specifically, has created a society of productivity where every individual can strive to reach his or her greatest potential. There is no higher morality for to achieve real potential requires the realization of the very best within us as human beings. Western culture is a culture that has yielded the greatest outpouring of scientific and technological progress yielding the greatest good for the greatest number of people ever in all of the history of civilization. Islam has produced the suicide bomber. So don’t tell me that cultures are equal. Islam is stuck in the 7th Century with a belief system as barbaric and anti life as ever cursed this planet while we are striving for the best within man, all men.

For the sake of our descendants and for all of mankind let us hope that it is Western culture that survives this struggle. We can only be defeated form within.

FP: Thank you Michael Cappi. You have accomplished a comprehensive and courageous work.

I guess all I would add is that there are many Muslims who are not knowledgeable about, or interested in, or have any intent of pursuing, the supremacist and violent teachings of their religion. There are Muslim reformers like Thomas Haidon, Khalim Massoud and Hasan Mahmud who are bravely working on an Islam that nullifies the extremist ingredients of their religion. So we mustn’t forget that there is a difference between Muslims and Islam. And millions of Muslims throughout the world have been and are the victims of those Muslims who follow Islam’s violent teachings (political Islam). And so we must reach out to them and act in their defense and also must remember that many of them are just as intent as we are on defeating the political Islam that takes on an earthly incarnation.

A reformation of Islam is of course a very huge task, and it might be impracticable and unworkable. But that does not mean that we confuse Muslims who are our friends to be our enemies and that we not to stand in solidarity with them against what we all oppose: the notion and concept of Islamic supremacism, the subjugation of unbelievers, etc.

Having said that, thank you for your impressive book and for the truths that you have dared to speak and pinpoint. Your work is a powerful contribution to the scholarship on this subject.

Cappi: Thank you.

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