Saturday, April 07, 2007

well its been raining fourty days and fourty nights, the rain has not stopped, i sit in mission control with pan and we watch heaven empty itself, i sit on the hammock reading my book and the wind blows wildly, the rain never ceases, i move inside for a cup of tea, i read a bit, i type sme words, i cast a spell, i yawn, i fade in and out of sleep, i am restless, if i had a drug i'd take it, i am empty, i am overflowing, i am void, i am incomplete and i really feel sad today, i m uncertain about everything and i have no disipline, no will, i am lost but i know where i am.
err paradoxically, i am happy to be alive, its been 45 years now and most were filled with more drama than i care to recall, i hope the next few years offer some reprive, some sense of conclusion to this random extreme i found my self in. I will retire to my temple and cast my spells. i will play with the fabrics of reality and unbend time, tuurning loss into gain, pain into healing, hate into love, i am drifting towards the sun.

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