Saturday, April 22, 2006

start yr own cult
the tenant's for starting a cult are quite simple, ya just need a good marketing strategy, lets have a look at scientology which some call a religion, some call cult, some call science of mind, it's no real difference to Buddhism really, just a smarter update sprung from the mind of a second rate science fiction writer who actually stole the idea from the brilliant Crowley. Yeah so basically all ya really need is a good belief system, this operates on a number of levels, each level slightly moe revelationary than the next. the most important factor often overlooked by less smarter cults are the exclusive memberships, for example christianity and islam seem to attract a lot of dumb people, okay massive generalization, but the facts are there, whereas scientology and say, the raelists often attract smart intelligent folks who are convincing in an way faith is not.
the idea of mixing a sci fi concept with a belief system is not new, judaism is massively influenced by the idea of extra terrestrial agencies, the book of Enoch being the most popular, the idea of the Elohim, one could say that the old testament is the first sci- fi book, although most of that originates from ancient summeria. the fact is we can't dispute these ideas unless we incorporate them into our lives first hand.
scientology says that from conception the humans are surrounded by negative energy fields that effect our personality, the emotions of the parents towards the child, feelings of inadequacy, events through childhood stay with us into adult life, these energies can only be addressed buy a system that scientogists call auditing, as you move up through the ranks, the 'clearer' you become. This proccess continues until you reach the higher levels where the next process assumes earth and humanity has been invaded by two warring empires from various parts of the galaxy. So imagine spending thousands of dollers 'clearing' yourself and then being asked to take on this belief, the investment is to strong, momentum has already reached tipping point, this is the priniple on which cults work. now you have this belief you find it difficult to share it with non- tribe peoples, i mean they are going to think you insane, therefore your circle of tribe becomes smaller, tus re enforcing your beliefs. any threat, like me or my friend Proffessor Leary results in defensive behaviour.
This application can be used from the society of cults and religions to the society of mind and individuals. The solution. Recognise information cults carry, believe nothing unless tested under strict circumstances, extreeme enviroments and conditions and cross cultures, use the idea that nothing is true, everything is permitted and question everything, including your conclusions.

I was down the street this morning where i scored me some memory. In aberdeen, the wind cutting through my bones like hot razor blades, i was younger but my mind was ancient and the strange north sea energy intilled fear and awe, there was this girl who oozed sexuality, she was like a temptress beckoning me with her warm curves. I could feel the magnetic pull, the tension between our bodies generated it's own power, a strange gravity, i wanted to sink into her flesh and find warmth. This is was the beginning of my almost ledgendary quest for heat in sexuality, like a heat seeking vampyre, i needed to quench that chill, that alien ice that had kept me frozen, and sex was always about heat, sucking it from the female flesh until it could no longer offer me the comfort i needed.
West Berlin, the same energy, all my relationships with girls for a long time were about heat, warm my bones, my blood, my soul. In fact I wrote a story about this, it's called, 'the vampyre of west berlin' but unfortunatly it was stolen by another Vampyric personality and ex girlfriend whose name cannot be mentioned here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your cult stuff.
be careful.
get into the intelligence agents on american buddha. 80% of the book online. really good shit - learys docu-novel using all his circuit theory set in the past and future. very RAWish. quite hardcore. some dubious theories, and very pre-internet boom. but he sets up some predictions. another 10 years and he would have been a whole other thing (post internet boom, japanese economic bubble, osama bin laden, george w, chinese economy etc). perfect cult stuff re putting punters into a heirachy where they can feel above others but still have something to work towards to stave off bordom. great for loosers, freaks, out-casts, the intelligent-elegant, nerds, adventurers, reformed druggies & wannabes.
anyway, looks like im leaving here in a week or two. im not the guy for job and the job itself is being whittled away to something no one would hire an expensive westerner for. but thats cool, ive just hooked up with the food designer for 'bed' supper bar which is one of the coolest spots in asia. i will check him out in bkk then head for the burmese border (or maybe the other way round).
whatever, the fun is just beginning.