Wednesday, March 01, 2006

there's a beautiful low end spectrum light filtering through the darkest clouds, it comes streaming through my windows, dusk on mars, the birds settle, a few people walking their dogs past my balcony, Pan lazily checks the local hounds out as they parade past his elevated view.

Why magick?
At the risk of repeating myself, magick is using the universe, its physics and mystery to assist align you're needs with its own. The Universe is not a moral experience, therefore when people talk about evil, they are talking about a human quality, one could say the universe is devoid of judgements, it only expands towards order as all complex systems do, it is coherent. Therefore Magick should be used in conjunction with this universal coherence.
Yes one can argue an amoral perspective, but this is not taking responsibility and i have said elsewhere the magickian takes responsibility. Bear in mind that once the magickian understands this, he or she now is able to influence their reality. One could argue that everything they exist in, is now their own responsibility because they create it. To acknowledge this only increases the influence one has over their experience. However one must embrace this and meet the responsibility with grace and dignity, for this is a relationship that commands respect and honour.
The ancients who investigated Magick had a very sophisticated map of the magickal universe and held against current research into Quantum Physics, there is no overlap save for teminology and a few archaic ideas mostly presended as code.
I have developed a framework I call Quantum Magick, it uses the principles of a magickal system but within a Quantum realm. To practice it one needs to approach their duties as I have explained in earler posts, ie memes, ego, diet, fear, surrender and death. All Magickal systems require training, QM is no different, it's the brain and the mind that need shaping, the body follows suit. A well prepared neural net, a flexible mind and healthy heart (metaphysically speaking) will ensure good results.
Useful authors who i read while preparing are Tim Leary, Al Crowley, Christopher Hyatt, RAW, Howard Bloom, (specifically his book on time travel) Ervin Lazlo and Peter Carrol. Read the Bahagvahd Gita, Dahmapada, The Bible, The Books of Enoch. The Te Tao Ching. Avoid any New Age material, Theosophical clap trap, anything that reeks of religion.
Reading these books while adjusting the neural networks in your brain, the hardwire, means that you will actually gain more from them than reading under normal conditions. Gradually you can understand the analogies, the inference and the subtle poetry they elude to.
Magick is not about tricks, walking on water, manifesting gold, although these are possible, it's about potentials, possibilitys and invocation and evocation, it's about being the wave and the particle, it's about love baby, but not the kind of love that romance writers talked about, it's LOVE, the kind that the universe in it's grace expands towards and offers us glimpses of. Set the Controls to the Heart of the Sun.


Bradley Albert Burkley said...

Hey I found your blog thru the SK comments, I'm a church fan too. Cool blog. Block sounds cool.


captain mission said...

Thanks for your kind words. Block is brilliant, just wait till ya hear it, it's everything you could ask for in 5 mins of aural sculpting. The Guitars are restrained and amazing, the lyrics are fantastic and the singing filled with attitude, it has a great structure and you can sing it in the shower.