Tuesday, March 07, 2006

i often talk about the Will. In ye olde magickal terms Will is considered as the prime directive of the magickian, the reason of the Magickians existance, every one has one, and in Crowleys much misunderstood system, 'do what thou wilt' is taken out of context becuase his detractors always forget to mention the next bit, the idea that it will not intersect with other peoples Will.
So what is the Will and how do we find it?
The process of becoming a magickian involves various rituals the most famous being, 'Conversation with holy guardian angel.'
Some mystics use Kundalini as a substitute, it's all going to depend on the system that you use, te memes that you are running and the beliefs you have. In Quantum terms, lets look at what Francis Crick, the brilliant scientist who after dicovering the code of life, dna, researched the codes of conciousness and suggests that neurons are where it is at.

'It's the basis but its not just a single neuron, its the interaction between the billions of neurons we have in our heads. possibly in animals heads as well, which is producing the process, becuase conciousness is a process, not a thing and the neurons are the actors.'

So imagine if the actors that make up your neurons all read from the same script, that is Magickal Will.

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