Sunday, March 05, 2006

Don't Panic.
Remain Calm.
There is no Blog today due to sleep deprevation and drug ingestion. Reality has slipped sidways by about 78% and the strange pixies who dance upon my keyboard are now controlling this Blog. There are many things I would like to say but unfortunatly cannot. Instead heres a poem from the pixie people.

lost amongst the monkey dominnion
we watch them eat the land and cull the vast sea
the counter culture culture counter tribal civilization
the empire of monkey secrecy
tell us you're plans oh hairy ones
tell us why destruction?
ha! we would laugh at your folly
if we shared your dimension
here in your monkey kingdom
constructs abound to fail
built upon such weak foundations
you are hanging from your tails
savage humanity the ignoble beast
plod towards your bethlehem
we fade into our realms safety
for fear of your infection

these pixie beings don't like us.
dont panic
remain calm
I'll be back tomorrow.

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