Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Nasty Ear Infection.
Went to medical centre but she sent me away, no appointment, surgery full, not the right haircut, aura to purple or something. Tried Holistic Med Centre, Dr's all sick. Oh the irony. Go to four other drs and each time I am turned away. I realize that I have no dr that is my own. The last time I saw a Dr. was when I broke my arms and legs, skull and elbows and knees - that was only because i woke up in freakin hospital. My friends used to come and sneak me down the beach in a wheelchair, that was when i had friends, now i just have the Professor and Mike and some friendly like acquaintances. Ahh but the great God Pan is my friend, eerr, sorry the Great Dog Pan.
My ear hurts and I am not sure what to do.
I think I am frightend that the evil dr will say 'No Surfing.'
Okay so I managed to get an appointment for five o clock, and i got some ear drops from the evil drug corps, it's an outer ear infection, no surf for 5 days.
Hung out at home, had a siesta, took Pan for a walk and read some stuff. Feeling a bit lonely, introspective, wondering about getting my shit organized for exhibit in March.
Then some Guardian Angel intervention, i see a few friendly folks have added some comments and I am not as alone as i think. Welcome aboard people, this ship flies the freak flag high, we are setting sail again, next port will be somewhere in the past, possibly The Middle Ages, so dress appropriatly and if you're a witch be cool. But there's no telling really, space time travel is slightly unpredicatable.
I did flick through Stephen Hawkings new book on Intergers, that would be a challenge for me. I got to page three on Elucid and started to strain the Left brain, think i'll stick to my new book on the Middle East, 'Why Blame Isreal?' which is proving to be a fantastic and accurate assessment of the middle east conflict. Although it is not going to get any exposure due to its politically incorrect stance and unfashionable ability to look at the situation with a untainted perspective and no hidden adgendas. It has to be the most refreshing look at the conflict I have ever read and I recomend it to every journalist and left wing university lecturer. In fact any one reporting from the mid east should read it. Except Robert Fisk who needs to be kidnapped by extreemists and put out of his misery. Which reminds me.
Fave actors
John Malcovitch

1 comment:

Ed Meers said...

I hurt my hamstring today. Misery loves company!