Friday, January 13, 2006

Learnt two new words.
Therianthropes = part animal, part man, transformation
Phosphenes = abstract patterns and geometries that appear drawn on rock walls and visioned while under hallucigenics or when the brain is stimulated.

Well my friends it's a strange old day in sydney, wet and windy, cool and damp. I spoke to my folks caught up with all the family drama, conflict and general nonscense. You can choose friends but you can't choose family, i guess some say you can but i think that for all intents and purposes most people can't recall having the luxury of choice. Anyway family.
As the brain is changing, family has to change to, the family is basically a tribe, people can choose to live within their tribe, if it it productive and beneficial or they can do what i have done which is to remove myself from my tribe geographically yet be a part of it from afar, starting a sub tribe. However family is like marrage, in the high velocity information exchange humans cannot expect to be partnered to the same person for their lives, it's a nice thought but it is kind of strangly pointless, unless one is luckey enough to have found a soul mate. Personally I have not found one yet, I thought i did once but she slipped by, Marnee where are you?
I have reached a halfway point in my life, and i feel ancient yet my mental state is young, i like to play, i spend as much time catching waves and playing as i do working, even when i work i play. Play is the intelligent way to have fun. There's to many idiots with a work ethic, working just generates a failing system, what we need is a play ethic. I play so hard it feels soft.
Earler I refered tomyself as a Magickian, this may shock some people but it is really where destiny and free will have led me, i avoided the title for many years becuase it requires so much responsibility. Often people ask me what is a Magickian. I say a Magickian is some one who takes full responsibility for their life. There's a lot more to Magick but essentially that's the prerequisite. Magick is Quantum, it's another way of influencing reality. A modern Magickian has no need of a magickal staff, sword cup or wand or whatever tools the ritual magickian had once upon a time. All the Quantum Magickian needs is a brain that operates beyond time and space. Oh yeah we all want one of those, well stick with me and i will show you how. However, the path is freaking hard, it requires disipline, suffering, loss and trauma, it requires that you face death and life and know that there is no difference.

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